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a Well, Mr. Brown, we've settled everything in connection with this transaction except the question of payment in yen. Now can you explain to me how to make payment in yen?

布朗先生,除了日元付款问题外,我们已经谈妥了有关这笔交易 的所有事项。现在,能不能请你解释一下如何用日元付款?

bMany of our business friends in England, France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany are paying for our exports in Japan currency. It is quite easy to do so.

我们在英国、法国、瑞士、意大利及德国的许多商界朋友都用日元 支付我们的出口货物。这很容易做到。

a I know some of them are doing that. But this is new to me. I've never made payment in yen before. It is convenient to make payment in pound sterling, but I may have some difficulty in making payment in yen.


bMany banks in Europe now carry accounts in yen. They are in a position to open letters of credit and effect payment in yen. Consult your banks and you'll see that they are ready to offer you this service.

现在欧洲许多银行都可以开立日元账户。他们可以开立信用证并且 用日元支付。你去银行咨询就可知道,他们会替你办理这项业务的。

a Do you mean to say that I can open a letter of credit in yen with a bank in London or Bonn?


bSure you can. Several of the banks in London, such as the National Westminster Bank and Barclays Bank are in a position to open letters of credit in yen. They'll do so against our sales confirmation or contract.

当然可以。在伦敦有好几家银行,如国家威斯敏斯特银行和巴克 莱银行等都可以凭我们的销售确认书或合同开立日元信用证.

a I see.


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