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a Good morning, Mrs.Wang. Any news?


bYes. I've succeeded in persuading our export manager to agree to a reduction of ten percent. He made this an exception with an eye to future business.

有,我已经说服我方出口部经理同意降价10%。他考虑到以后的生 意,所以破例降价.

a Good. We certainly appreciate your making these concessions for us.


bMay I repeat 15 Tunnel Drillers, specifications as shown in the technical data, at 57,000 Swiss Francs each, F.O.B. European Main Ports? Business is closed at this price.

我再重复一下报盘,15台隧道钻机,规格详见技术资料,欧洲主要 港口离岸价每台五万七千瑞士法郎。交易就按此价敲定。

a Yes, that's right. Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the transaction to see if we agree on all the particulars?


bAll right. We have no objection to the stipulations about the packing and shipping marks. As a matter of fact, we always packour machines in new strong wooden cases suit able for long distance ocean transportation.

好,我们同意关于包装和唛头的条款。其实,我们的机器包装都 采用适合于长途海洋运输的崭新牢固的木箱。

a The machines must be well protect ed against dampness, moisture, rust, and be able to stand shock and rough handling.


bWe'll see to that.


a They are to be shipped not later than Sep tem ber 2001.


bThere's no question about that.


a And what about the terms of payment?


bPayment by L/C, to be opened by the buyer 15 to 20 days prior to the date of delivery. That's what we've agreed upon, isn't it?


a Yes, quite so.


bWe'd like to add the condition that the letter of credit shall be valid until the 15th day after shipment. You know, it sometimes takes us a week or so to get all the shipping documents ready for the presentation and negotiation. This will give us more leeway.

我们希望加上一条,信用证有效期应至货物装船后第十五日截止。 要把所有装船单据都准备好以便提交银行议付,有时需要一个星期 左右。定上这样一条可以让我们的时间充裕一点。

a That can be done. Any questions about the in spec tion and claims?


bNone whatsoever. The quality and per for mance of our machines can stand every possible test. We agree to your conditions.

完全没有问题。我们的机器经得起任何质量和性能方面的测试。我 们同意你方条款。

a Do you also agree to the condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referred to the For eign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Pro mo tion of In ter na tion al Trade?

你是否也同意这样一条,解决不了的纠纷,就提交国际贸易促进会 的对外贸易仲裁委员会去仲裁?

bCertainly, but I'm sure there will be no oc ca sion for arbitration.


a Well, then, we've agreed on all the major points.


bYes, Mr. Brown. We're glad the deal has come off nicely and hope there will be more to come.

是的,布朗先生,我们很高兴圆满达成这项交易,希望以后能达成 更多的交易。

a So long as we keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit, trade between our two countries will develop further.


bWhen can the contract be ready for signature?


a I'll have it ready in a couple of days.


bThe earlier the better. I'm leaving next week.


a How about next Monday afternoon at 5? I'll have a copy of the contract sent to your hotel in the morning for you to look over.


bThat suits us fine.


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