aHow does the political system work in your country?
bWe have hundreds of constituencies and the votes in each one elect a member of parliament. Most people call them mp’s.
aEach mp belongs to a political party, right?
bAlmost all of them do. A few are independent. That means that they do not belong to a party. If one party more than half of the mp’s. they form a government. That means that they choose a prime minister can cabinet members.
bThis is a small group of people-perhaps 25 mp’s who are usually ministers. They make all the big decision and discuss laws and policy.
aCan any mp make a law?
bAny mp can present a law to parliament. The proposed law is debated and voted on. If it is accepted, it becomes law.
aI suppose a proposed a law needs the support of the big political parties.
bYes, it does, because they have most of the mp’s. most mp’s vote the way their party wants them to.
aHow do people choose which party or candidate to vote for?
bThey produce manifesto. These documents which states their policies. Some people just vote for the same party every time there is an election. Votes who often change the party they vote for are called floating voters.